So. Time for a life update.

Okay, actually several. I’m ashamed to say that I have not posted anything since December. That would be a record for me. Now, those of you who know me are probably not surprised. But to all those who don’t, I promise I haven’t forgotten about you. I just happen to be the world’s most accomplished procrastinator.
In any case, I was busy this summer. I graduated high school in early May, then spent six weeks in Germany with my dad’s host parents from when he was an exchange student back in high school.

It was pretty cool. I got to go to a German school for a couple of weeks, and then worked in my host mom’s office for a while (she’s a doctor). Then I mostly just hung around, gaped at the amazing architecture, and acted like a crazy American tourist.

Oh, and I ate a lot of cake.

It was so delicious…
Ahem. Moving on. I got back around the end of June, just in time for our massive family reunion. It was a blast. I think it was somewhere around 106 people. Since then I’ve been busy with all the annoying preparations that come with becoming a full time college student.
And before you ask, no. This does not mean I have suddenly transformed into a new species with bleach blonde hair, shiny pink talons, my eyes glued to my phone all day, with a Starbucks drink in one hand and a Stanley cup in the other. You see my friends, these natural phenomenons, known by my family as the “college squirrels”, have not yet included me into their circle. Therefore I am not permitted to identify as one. At least, not yet…
But getting back to the point, I’ll try not to let my pursuit of geology get in the way of posting for you guys. Stress on the “try”.
Hmm, let’s see…what else is new…Oh, yeah! I did say something about a big announcement in the title. Well, it is my great pleasure to announce that I have officially opened my Etsy shop with printable, ad-free crochet designs! I’m so excited!! You see, Etsy decided to be stupid and not let me sell anything until I turned 18. But now that’s not a problem anymore, so I can do whatever I want! FREEEEDOM!!! (Just kidding, I still can’t buy tobacco or alcohol)
You can check it out here!
Welp, I think that’s everything. Thanks so much for reading, guys, it means a lot to me! Stay tuned because I have like five different patterns that I’m working on. Coming soon!
Does your limited freedom make you miss Germany?